Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A Strategic Plan of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Essay
A Strategic Plan of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Essay Example From the report it is clear that the disadvantages experienced in strategic planning of institutions of higher learning will also be mentioned and analyzed, as they will be relevant in this review. Besides, the pros of strategic planning with reference to the plan of the institution will be discussed in various ways. An overall analysis of how an institution can exhibit the balance between the planning and achieving a sustainable quality improvement will also be done. All these analyses will be specific to the Hong Kong polytechnic university in relation to the learnt concepts, strategic planning, and management. As the study declares strategic planning can be defined as a way in which an organization establishes a way forward for its efficient operations. As such, this should be in a given order depending on the context of application. In this case, the application of the plan is in an institution of higher learning. This document, therefore, is focusing on the ways in which an organization can be managed through strategic planning. An analysis of the model of the plan will be done and views as per other professional suggestions given. The review of the main aims of the institution in general in relation to the arrangement of various departments will also be done. It is certain that the organization of reference here is a perpetual institution. Thus, the strategies put in place to ensure its long term existence and operation in line with the objectives will be looked into.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Relationship Between Leadership and Employee Performance
Relationship Between Leadership and Employee Performance The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of leadership on employee performance considering the five factors of leadership development that are coaching, training and development, empowerment, participation and delegation. Therefore these form the independent variables that are affecting employee performance which is the dependent variable. The hypotheses stated in the study are relating leadership to employee performance considering these five different factors. Since this whole study revolves around the importance of leadership development and its impact on employee performance, the relationship between these variables of leadership with the employee performance have been studied and researched upon. Exploratory research is done and a convenience sampling technique is used. Questionnaires were also circulated and SPSS-14 is used for data analysis. Pearson Correlation and Regression analysis is also performed. The study proved a strong positive relationship between leadersh ip development with employee performance. A manager must possess leadership qualities in order to conform to the performance standards set by the company. All the six hypotheses established are accepted and are positively related to employee performance, with training and development the strongest variable of leadership impacting employee performance. Vigoda-Gadot, Eran. 2005-2006. Leadership Style, Organizational Politics and Employees Performance: An Empirical Examination of Two Competing Models. This study aims to investigate the role of organizational performance as a mediating factor between leadership style and the employees performance. Therefore, the independent variable is leadership; the dependent variable is employee performance whereas organizational performance is a mediating variable. Questionnaires were circulated and a survey was taken. A Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire measure was used. Exploratory Factor Analysis and a correlation analysis were also done. The study has six hypotheses. One hypothesis states that transformational and transactional leadership are positively related with in-role performance and OCB (Eran, 2006), another state that transformational leadership will have a stronger relationship with and more influence on formal performance and OCB than transactional leadership (Eran, 2006). Another hypothesis is that perceptions of organizational politics are negatively related to employees in-role performance (Eran, 2006). Also, there is a hypothesis that perceptions of organizational politics mediate the relationship between transactional and transformational leadership, on one hand, and in-role performance and OCB on the other (Eran, 2006). It was also tested whether the relationship between leadership and performance was direct or indirect. A positive relationship was found between transformational leadership and performance; however transactional leadership and performance had a negative relationship. Conclusively, organizational politics has been considered an influential mediator between leadership and performance. According to the study, transformational leadership has a more direct positive effect on employees performance. Hayward. A. Brett. (2005). Relationship between Employee Performance, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in a South African Parastatal Organization. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between leadership, emotional intelligence and the performance of employees. Thus, the two independent variables are leadership and emotional intelligence whereas the dependent variable is employee performance. A sample of 160 leaders and 800 raters was taken and a statistical analysis was done using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire measure and the Emotional Competency Profiler. A linear regression was run and a correlation analysis was carried out. Four different hypotheses were formed but two of them are important for my study. First, there is no significant positive linear relationship between employee performance and an emotionally intelligent transactional leader (Brett, 2005) and that there is a significant positive linear relationship between employee performance and an emotionally intelligent transactional leader (Brett, 2005). The second hypothesis states that there is no significant positive linear relationship between employee performance and an emotionally intelligent transformational leader (Brett, 2005) and that there is a significant positive linear relationship between employee performance and an emotionally intelligent transformational leader (Brett, 2005). The results show that there is a significant linear relationship between employee performance and an emotionally intelligent, transactional leader. However, a significant linear relationship between employee performance and an emotionally intelligent transformational leader does not exist and also that there is insufficient evidence to indicate that. This whole study and its findings are, however, contradictory to other studies that have been conducted that show a positive relationship between employee performance and a transformational leader. A. Oluseyi, Shadare and Hammed, T. Ayo 2009. Influence of Work Motivation, Leadership Effectiveness and Time Management on Employees Performance in Some Selected Industries in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of the three independent variables; work motivation, leadership effectiveness and time management, on employee performance that is the dependent variable. A total of 300 staff members were selected through stratified random sampling and the data was collected through Work Motivation Behavior Profile, Leadership Behavior Rating Scale and Time Management Behavior Inventory. A multiple regression was run and correlation matrix was used. The study answers the three basic research questions. First, the relationship is identified between each independent variable and employee performance. Also, the composite and relative effect of each of these variables on employee performance is analyzed. The results show that each of the three inde pendent variables have a positive and significant impact on employee performance, with leadership effectiveness showing the strongest correlation, followed by work motivation. Therefore leadership plays a vital role in enhancing the performance of the employees. Sribenjachot, Suteera. 2007. Impact of Leadership Style on Follower Performance in Direct Selling Industry in Thailand. This study inspects the impact that transactional and transformational leadership has on performance. Both leadership styles have different effects on performance. Performance is the dependent variable which is influenced by the leadership style which is the independent variable. Another variable is defined as leader outcome that is influenced by the leadership styles and impacts performance. A survey research design of Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used. The date was collected through MLQ-5X. Path analysis was performed and a statistical program known as Analysis of Moment Structure was used. Several hypotheses were formed; transformational leadership has no effect on follower performance (Suteera, 2007), transactional leadership has no effect on follower performance (Suteera, 2007), transformational leadership has no effect on leader outcome (Sute era, 2007), transactional leadership has no effect on leader outcome (Suteera, 2007) and leader outcomes have no effect on follower performance (Suteera, 2007). The results show a negative relationship between transactional leadership and performance, and no relationship between transformational leadership and performance. Both leadership styles have a positive impact on leader outcome, and that outcome affects the performance of the followers or the employees. Amran G. Tiena and Kusbramayanti, Putri. 2007. Leadership and Organizational Culture Relationship Analysis on Job Performance and Satisfaction using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) at Pt. Carita Boat Indonesia. This study aims to examine the direct influence of leadership and organizational culture on job performance and its indirect impact on job satisfaction. Also, it studies the impact of job performance on job satisfaction. Therefore, all these elements of the study form the basic variables. A survey was taken and data was collected through questionnaires. A sample of 100 workers was taken. Structural Equation Modeling was used for the analysis of the data. The study has four hypotheses. The quality of employee job performance is positively influenced by leader-member relations (Tiena and Putri, 2007). The quality of employees job performance is positively influenced by organizational culture (Tiena and Putri, 2007). The quality of working satisfaction is positively influenced by performance (Tiena and Putri, 2007). The results show that leadership has a positive influence on the quality of performance and that in turn has a positive effect on work satisfaction. Leadership also has an impact on work satisfaction and it motivates an employee. The leader-member relationship influences both leadership style and employee job performance. Goh Yuan Sheng Victor, Geoffrey N. Soutar. 2005. The Role of Ethical Behaviors in the Relations between Leadership Styles and Job Performance. This study relates the three elements of leadership styles, ethical behaviors and job performance. The two leadership styles, transformational and transactional, are discussed and their relationship with performance is studied. Ethical behaviors that include deontology and teleological ethics are also examined. This article reviews how the leaders use these ethical values and form judgements. Therefore these ethical values play a mediating role in forming the relationship between leadership (independent variable) and employee performance (dependent variable). The measures used were the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Role-Based Performance Scale and Analysis of Moment Structure. A path analysis was performed and a variance-covariance matrix was used. The study has six hypotheses. Transformational leadership is positively associated with employees job performance (Soutar and Victor, 2005). Transactional leadership is positively associated with employees job performance (Soutar and Victor, 2005). Transformational leadership is positively associated with Deontological ethical approach (Soutar and Victor, 2005). Transactional leadership is positively associated with Teleological ethical approach (Soutar and Victor, 2005). Deontological ethical approach will mediate the relation between Transformational Leadership and employees job performance (Soutar and Victor, 2005). Teleological ethical approach will mediate the relation between Transactional Leadership and employees job performance (Soutar and Victor, 2005). The results of the study show that ethics are a defining element of leadership. Leaders must be ethically responsible and this ethical behavior is an important mediating factor between leadership styles and performance of the employees. Mahmmod A. Bodla and Hussain , Ghulam. 2010. Need for Leadership: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. This study was conducted to focus on the moderating role of the need for leadership on the relationship between leadership and the subordinates outcomes or employees performance. Thus leadership and its characteristics are once again the independent variable, with subordinates outcomes and employees performance being the dependent variables. Need for leadership is the moderating variable between the two. The followers need for leadership is determined and based on that a particular leadership style is adopted, which results in required performance by the employees. Various leadership characteristics are defined and their relationship studies. A sample of banking officers was used from 550 different branches of banks and questionnaires were distributed for the collection of data. A statistical analysis was performed using the multiple regression. There was one main hypothesis of the stu dy; need for leadership will moderate the relationship between leadership characteristics and subordinates work outcomes (Bodla and Ghulam, 2010). The results show that need for leadership is important and it must be understood before implementing any leadership practices. On various grounds, the need for leadership has been considered as a substitute of the relationship between leadership and performance. Dr. Mohammed S. Chowdhury and Nurul A. Mohammed. 2000. Relative Importance of Employee Values, Attitudes and Leadership Behaviors in Employee Motivation. An Empirical Investigation. Employee motivation is one factor that influences the performance of the employees. That motivation is derived from various other factors. This study is therefore conducted to look at the importance that those factors such as values, attitudes and leadership behavior have in influencing employee work motivation and performance. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is defined and various styles of leadership are considered. Employee motivation is therefore the dependent variable and the independent variables are employee values, attitudes and leadership behavior. The data was collected through questionnaires constituting a sample of 140 employees. Statistical analysis was performed and a regression was run. Various techniques were used to measure the different variables. The study has four hypotheses. The gr eater the extent to which the key values are perceived to exist in the organization, the greater will be the employees intrinsic motivation (Chowdhury and Mohammed, 2000). The greater the extent to which key job attitudes are perceived to exist in the organizations, the greater will be the employees intrinsic motivation (Chowdhury and Mohammed, 2000). The greater the extent to which positive achievement motivation behavior of the leader is perceived to exist in the organization, the greater the job satisfaction and extrinsic motivation (Chowdhury and Mohammed, 2000).The greater the extent to which arbitrary and punitive behavior is perceived to exist in the organization, the greater the job dissatisfaction and de-motivation of the employees (Chowdhury and Mohammed, 2000). The study concludes that the values and attitudes of employees influence the intrinsic motivation of employees while leadership behavior affects the extrinsic motivation of employees. Cyril H. Ponnu and Tennakoon Girindra. 2009. The Association between Ethical Leadership and Employee Outcomes the Malaysian Case. This research was carried out in order to determine the association between ethical leadership behavior and employee outcomes. It has considered two basic outcomes, that of organizational commitment and trust in leaders. These factors eventually affect the work performance of the employees. The independent variable is the ethical leadership behavior whereas employee organizational commitment and employees trust in leaders are the dependent variables. A sample of 172 managerial employees was taken. The different measures used were the Ethical Leadership Scale, Organizational Commitment Questionnaire and the Trust Scale. A correlation analysis was done and the data was also analyzed using SPSS version 14.0. the study has two hypotheses. There is a significant relationship between ethical leadership behavior and employees organizational commitment (Ponnu and Girindra, 2009). Ethical leadership behavior is positively associated with employees trust in leaders (Ponnu and Girindra, 2009). The first hypothesis was held true. There was a significant and a medium positive relationship between the two variables. The second hypothesis was also held true as the two variables showed a strong positive relationship. Therefore, ethical leadership has a positive effect on both organizational commitment of employees and their trust in leaders. Hence, it can also be concluded that these employees will eventually perform better and work towards achieving the goals of the organization.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Propaganda and Democracy Essay -- essays research papers
What is the impact of propaganda on our democracy? When examining the relationship between propaganda and democracy it important to define each term. Propaganda is a protean term, its definition varies widely. The word propaganda could refer simply to an active process of mass persuasion or it could carry more negative connotations. In general, a distinction is drawn between propaganda and persuasion. Like persuasion, propaganda is designed to influence opinion rather than purely communicate fact; however, there are several important differences between the two. Persuasion utilizes critical argument and weighs all sides of an issue. On the other hand, propaganda is entirely one sided. While a persuasive message works best with a focused and active recipient, propaganda depends on a mindless audience. Propaganda manipulates symbols as well as and basic human emotions and prejudices in order to influence opinion. Democracy is the form of government in which the laws and government institutions are under the control of the people. In a democracy decisions are made by the citizens or their elected representatives. Propaganda has many effects on American Democracy. Many people claim that our democracy has been ââ¬Å"cheapenedâ⬠by the media and, in particular, propaganda. Some of the negative effects of propaganda on democracy are that it prevents discourages debate and allows people to listen only to those opinions that they agree with. One of the main goals of propaganda is to preve...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Parenting Children with Severe Difficulties Essay
Becoming a parent needs some planning and preparationââ¬âmentally, socially and financially. Depending on various circumstances, parents may not be completely prepared when they have children. Still, having a child with severe disabilities could be shocking for some parents. In such cases, the child will need special care and attention from the parents, as well as from medical practitioners such as doctors and therapists. Parents need to be aware of the condition of the child and look for various ways to help the child become healthy and well. As the child grows up, the nature of stress and difficulties faced by the parents will also change. In addition to the physical needs of the child that the parents must look out for, they will also need to face several psychosocial struggles. According to Hastings and Beck (2004), parents of children with special needs, especially those relating to intellectual disabilities are subjected to stress and mental health-related problems because they need to adapt to social situations. They may experience different emotions depending on the behavior of their child, which they may or may not have control over. Feelings of embarrassment, annoyance and social discomfiture may be felt by the parents in various social settings. 1. Psychosocial Difficulties of Parents of Children with Severe Disabilities Raising a child requires significant investment in time, money and, more importantly, love, tenderness and caring! For a child with severe disabilities, parents may feel overwhelmed with the responsibility they have to bear. Oftentimes, people in the society may view children with disabilities unfairly and may unknowingly look with pity at the childrenââ¬â¢s parents. Among the psychosocial difficulties of parents are anxiety, depression and anger among others. Some parents find it really difficult to accept that their child has severe disabilities. This denial, then, would backfire and manifest in many ways. In a sense, denial is an escape from responsibility. Parents feel hopeless and unwilling to reconcile what went wrong with the pregnancy or with the disabilities of young children (Lavin, 2001). Anxiety and guilt can also be manifested by parents of children with disabilities. They may blame themselves for what happened and for not loving their children more. They may become conflicted internallyââ¬âthey hover between hating the responsibility thrust on them by their childââ¬â¢s disabilities and at the same feeling guilty that they feel that way. At some point, they may even get angry at the child at the world or at themselves for their childââ¬â¢s situation. Depression may also occur, depending on the gravity of the situation, the social connections of the parents and their ability to cope with the situation. When they are in social situations such as at the mall or in public places, the disabilities of the child may be highlighted and they may feel ââ¬Å"specialâ⬠as well. If parents are not able to accept the situation of their child and deal with it, they may find it difficult to adjust normally and raise their child well (Olsen & Fuller, 2003). 2. Perception of the Child, the Parents and the Specialists Perceptions and mindsets are powerful. The way that parents view their child with special needs will affect how they treat such a child. While the broader society expects parents to love their children unconditionally, this may be more difficult for some parents. There are parents who may view a child with special needs as a nuisance and an unwanted burden and responsibility. Naturally, such an attitude and perception will resonate in the way that they treat the child. Trained medical practitioners and therapists are able to look at a child with special needs objectively and deliver all the necessary care the child needs. Such caring, however, were arrived at through years of training. This is the reason why parents of children with disabilities sometimes need to go to counseling so as to adjust their perceptions and their view of the situation. The perception of parents are also important for practitioners, special education teachers and other professionals to work with the parents in providing the necessary care and services for the growth and development of the child with disabilities (Bruns & Mogharreban, 2008). If parents and practitioners have the same perception of the child, then it becomes easier for them to work together. As the child grows and interacts with more people in his immediate surroundings and in the broader community where he or she belongs to, collaboration between the parents and the professionals that deliver services for children with special needs becomes even more important. 3. Recommendations for Early Child Intervention Early intervention for children with special needs is necessary so that they, too, could enjoy a normal life. Not because they have disabilities means that they could not contribute meaningfully to the society. In fact, there have been great artists and craftsmen who managed to excel in what they do even with disabilities. Diagnose early. Early diagnosis of the childââ¬â¢s actual situation is very much needed. While a couple may have trouble accepting the reality of their childââ¬â¢s situation, knowing exactly what their child faces will help them get prepared and able to cope with the situation. Consequently, parents should enhance their attitude and perceptions toward the child. If needed, they should seek counseling so that they could better sort through their emotions and deal with any denial, guilt or anxiety they may be feeling. Following such counseling, the parents need to learn how to teach the right behavior to their child. Special education teachers may be able to bring out the best out of children with special needs. Yet, the role of the home and of the parents is still very important in the life of a child with special needs. It is inside the home where behavior is first mimicked, learned and reinforced. Without such learning inside the home, the child will find it difficult to adapt to his world and to the different kinds of people around him. Seeking out schools for children with special needs will also be a good move for the family so as to regulate the childââ¬â¢s behavior early on. 4. How I relate with a child with special needs. It is difficult to imagine myself in the shoes of a child with severe disabilities. But I am sure that I would still have curiosity because of what I see, hear, touch, smell and taste. I would be able to use all of these senses with verifying efficacy. While I may be limited by certain disabilities, that will not take away my senses. As such, I will still manage to use my curiosity to explore my world. As a child, I have felt the warmth of love and care from my parents and from the people that I am close to. Although the parents of a child with disabilities may find the situation of their child difficult, most of the time, they still want the best for their child. If I were growing up as a child with special needs, I would also learn that I have a sense of limitation. Everyone has different kinds of limitations in their lives. The limitations, however, are greater for children with disabilities. I would not help but compare myself with other children since that is a natural part of growing up. That might also be a source of frustration for a child with disabilities. As I put myself in the shoes of a child with disabilities, I could not help but appreciate what I have now. This is not to say that I pity those children with special needs. But it can be difficultââ¬âfor the child and for the parents. This is why intervention is much needed at an early age when the childââ¬â¢s body and consciousness can be molded rather easily. Any childââ¬âwith or without disabilitiesââ¬âwill always appreciate sincere love and affection, first from parents and then from people around him. Hence, in providing care for them, there should always be a tinge of love and tenderness. Reference Bruns, D. A. & Mogharreban, C. C. (2008). Working With Young Children With Disabilities: Perceptions, Skills, and Training Needs of Head Start Teachers. NHSA Dialog, 11 (1): 54-66. Hastings, R. P. & Beck, A. (2004). Stress Intervention for Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45 (8): 1338-1349. Lavin, J. L. (2001). Special Kids Need Special Parents. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group. Olsen, G. & Fuller, M. L. (2003). Home-School Relations: Working Successfully with Parents and Families. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Business cards Essay
With business cards, people could keep them in their wallet or pocket, as they are small and light to carry around. Also, people keep them around their house just in case they need to contact a certain business and people do look at business cards to see what the business is promoting and looking to see if they need it. Posters Posters are a great way to catch someoneââ¬â¢s eye as they are, bold, bright and in your face all the time. You canââ¬â¢t ignore posters as they are really big and your eyes just get a hold of the image and stares at it and you are attracted to it because of the vibrant colours. If Errol uses posters than he would get a wide audience, as many people would pass the poster whilst they are driving walking etc. With posters they are also a great way of promoting his business as they are outside with a wide audience. Web Page There is such a wide audience on the Internet, so with a web page on the Yellow Pages or Thomson Local site, there is a guarantee that lots of people would be browsing those sites in search of a service. With the web sites they are much easily organised and categorised so it would be very easy to locate something you may need and very fast. They even do it by area and business names as well so the searching is much faster and easier. I have got evidence of different marketing mediaââ¬â¢s of secondary research in the back of the coursework (appendices); there it will show the different types of ways you can advertise. Here I am going to write why I chose these pictures as evidence. Yellow Pages Pictures 1, 2 and 4 are from the Yellow Pages and in these pictures you can see how the person had laid out to advertise their business. Picture 1 the writing stands out as itââ¬â¢s blue and the background is white, but with picture 2 these people didnââ¬â¢t want to spend as much money on advertising so they kept it plain and simple and unfortunately with this advertising it is not going to catch anyoneââ¬â¢s eye so they wonââ¬â¢t get as much customers as picture 1 and 4 would get. Pictures 1 and 4 stand out much more, even though they are still small, they are so much bigger than picture 2. Thomson Local Pictures 3 and 5 are from the Thomson Local book. Picture 3 is quite representable as there are a variety of colours, but not so much colours so it keeps it subtle and calm looking and it doesnââ¬â¢t look overdone. The writing is also quite clear on it even though the ad seems to look quite small. But, picture 5 is huge; this stands out on its page and catches the readerââ¬â¢s eye to that ad straight away. The orange background helps it as itââ¬â¢s so bright, you canââ¬â¢t take you eyes off it, as itââ¬â¢s so attractive. Picture 5 also has a lot of information about the business, they have more information than picture 3 but you wouldnââ¬â¢t need that much information so that amount of information for both the pictures is just fine. The Leader Picture 6 is from the local Leader newspaper and this ad is quite good as itââ¬â¢s quite big and bold. There are only two colours but the readerââ¬â¢s eye is still wedged into looking at the advert. This ad has all the information you would want to know about the garage and the phone number is very bright so you wouldnââ¬â¢t need to squint to read it and all the writing is clear and is understandable and easy to read. Web Page Pictures 7 and 9 are both web pages. Picture 7 is from yell. com and picture 9 is from thomsonlocal. com. By doing web pages the customer can easily find what he/she is looking for as the searching is quick and easy, as everything is organised and categorised. It is very easy to find what you are looking for and itââ¬â¢s very sufficient, so if you lost the book of each of these sites than all you have to do is go to the web site and find what you are looking for there. These web sites have all the details you need to know about the business and it has ways that you can contact the business to. Business Cards Picture 8 is a business card and these are great to use, as they are small and easy to carry and people can keep it in their wallet and you can have all the information you need on them about your business. I chose this business card as the number is very big and takes up nearly the whole card and the name of the company comes next so people have a rough idea about what the business does. This business card is just right as it has just the right amount of information on it like a web site, phone number, companies name and as itââ¬â¢s double sided, there is more information on the back about the prices they charge. Posters Picture 10 is a poster about a motor garage. I think that the poster is very simple, itââ¬â¢s also very eye catching but it doesnââ¬â¢t have that much information on it. This poster doesnââ¬â¢t have as much information on it than it should have, but thatââ¬â¢s ok in a way, as you wouldnââ¬â¢t want to squash everything up in one tiny poster. The colours are daring as they all just stand out and as the picture is animated it looks quite fun in a way as it looks interesting to look at. But there is no phone number or address to locate the business or get in touch with them. Leaflets Picture 11 is a leafletââ¬â¢s front cover. As we can see it doesnââ¬â¢t give as much information away but thatââ¬â¢s probably in the inside of the leaflet. The colours are again bright and a clever use of colours like a dark colour and a bright one so each colour makes each other one stand out. The title could also be quite catchy, as people wouldnââ¬â¢t want to get ripped off by a garage so they will look at this leaflet so they get a better deal; this title is a way people could save money. For each of the media stated which is appropriate to Errol, I am going to analyse it and say the advantages and disadvantages of it. Local Newspapers Advertising in local newspapers is great as the newspaper is free and everyone has one. So if Errol were to advertise in a local newspaper like The Leader than, loads of people in that catchment area would know about him and the word can spread around quick as everyone reads the newspapers. It costs about i 200 per week to advertise in the local newspapers, but if it was a regualr advertisement than it would get 20% discount off a week. On the other hand, in newspapers, people mainly look at the articles not the adverts so they tend to ignore them and newspapers get recycled and throw away so they wonââ¬â¢t get looked at again. Newspaper adverts donââ¬â¢t get much attention and businesses donââ¬â¢t get helped by these adverts, so if you were to have an ad in the paper then it should stand out a lot and the reader should want to look at the ad. Radio Stations If Errol were to get an advert on the radio than itââ¬â¢s very likely that loads of people would be listening to the advert and itââ¬â¢s also very likely that people in the area if his business would be listening too. With the radio, there is a wide audience and adverts on the radio are more effective than adverts on the TV as you can change the channel, but with the radio people arenââ¬â¢t as bothered with the adverts because if they are driving they canââ¬â¢t mess about with the radio. If there is an advert on the radio than people like to paint a picture in their head about the advert, consequently making it more successful. The cost of advertising on the radio can be quite expensive and I have the figures of how much it would cost roughly: A simple advertisement for a small station will usually cost i 200-i 300. London stations and Digital Stations can cost up to ten times that. The price includes: script writing, audio production, actors to voice the ads, music (if used) and special effects (if used). All of this has to be licensed for broadcast for 12 months from the first time itââ¬â¢s played. Aim to spend at least 10% of your budget on the creative ââ¬â for exampleâ⬠¦ A i 2,500 campaign on a small station over four weeks will probably run with one piece of creative which might cost you i250. à A i 25,000 campaign over a year will likely need a few different advertisements. At this level of investment, a jingle or audio identifier would be useful so listeners start to recognise your ads as soon as they hear them. A i 250,000 campaign over a year might be worth licensing a famous song for i 25,000 so your company really stands out. But listeners may not pay attention to the adverts and if Errol was to get an advert on radio than it will cost him a lot of money and as heââ¬â¢s just started the business it could lead him into bankruptcy. Sometimes motor garage ads on the radio arenââ¬â¢t as effective as people donââ¬â¢t pay attention to what the people are saying and they think that itââ¬â¢s boring. Directories Yellow Pages The Yellow Pages is a great place to promote your business, as the Yellow Pages is widely known, loads of people trust it more and as it comes free to your doorstep, every household has one. The Yellow Pages is also great as it has target areas so no one will be complaining about going too far to get a service as itââ¬â¢s all very near to them. Plus, itââ¬â¢s free to advertise in the Yellow Pages book, which displays your business name, address and telephone number under a single classification heading of your choice. However, the disadvantages of the big yellow book is that itââ¬â¢s heavy to carry and people wouldnââ¬â¢t want to be carrying that book around with them trying to find a suitable service and as there are millions of other ads, you are all competing and if your ad doesnââ¬â¢t stand out as much as the others or doesnââ¬â¢t sound very appealing than you will be losing customers as they will be going onto another business of the same service. So if Errol was to advertise in the Yellow Pages than he should make sure that his ad stands out the most on the page and that it looks appealing and trustworthy and to have the right information, like the information the customer would want to know not something they wouldnââ¬â¢t.
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